To keep it simple I have used only three properties(as below), property tells the url of Sonar server to post analysis report after scanning, sonar.projectKey property will create a project inside your SonarQube server with the same name if project don’t exist else it will append analysis to it, sonar.sources property defines that which folder to scan.

Step 3 : Navigate to config folder of sonar scanner ( D:\sonar-scanner-3.-windows\conf) here you will get a sonar-scanner.properties file. for port - under webserver section I have added =9005 Here you can configure database, ldap, webserver, sso authentication, logging, etc…, e.g. Note: For any configuration changes go to conf folder and sonar.properties file. Open browser and (9000 is default) you will be navigated to below window Run StartSonar.bat and after few minute it will start your SonarQube server. Based on your machine configuration go to folder for 32-bit OS move to windows-x86–32 and for 64-bit OS move to windows-x86–64 Download Community edition from h ttps://Step 2. Steps to setup SonarQube in windows machine. It can report duplicated code, coding standards, unit tests, code coverage, code complexity, comments and it supports more than 20+ programming languages. Basic Introduction : It is a open source tool which is used as continuous inspection of code quality and to perform static code analysis to detect bugs, code smells, vulnerabilities.