The curve of the turtles’ shells are formed over eggshells and pebbles are the base for the octopus’ head. Keng adds a further step to this process by involving more components. Based on the techniques of Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori, the creatures are built slowly by painting different sections of their bodies onto multiple layers of resin, this layering gives them a depth flat images can only dream of. The process to create them, however, is complex. This Singapore-based artist has managed to use a combination of acrylic paint and resin to effectively 3D print any water-dwelling creature imaginable. It’s an epidemic, but we’ve found the perfect solution: Keng Lye. Or you can just choose a primer color that is close to your topcoat color.There are only so many times a parent can use the “having a pet is hard work” line before they cave in to the beseeching eyes (or screaming mouth) of their young child – that’s when they resort to a goldfish and so ensues the tragic flushing of hundreds of goldfish all over the world. Theoretically, a lighter color is a relatively safe option compared to a dark color because it reduces the chance of blending with the topcoat color. If you are choosing between white and gray, pick gray if your paint is gray, otherwise pick white. Primer comes in colors too, it’s usually in white or other neutral colors such as gray. More simply put, primer prepares the surface to help make the paint color the best it could be! So prime when you can. It can also hide the base color of the printing materials. Primer is a special type of paint that can stick to the object and ensures better adhesion for the paint to bond with the object's surface.

Don’t paint when it’s humid or windy, choose a bright location where you can inspect the paint easily. The paint result can be affected by environmental conditions.

After drilling, wash the model to remove any dust produced during the process, and let it dry. Then we can just hold the stick when painting. We did not have one for this SainSmart logo model here so we drilled a hole on the bottom and decided to mount it on a small stick. This step is not essential if you can paint all surfaces evenly with a handle on the model.